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This post is all about the picture above, entitled 'Blush' - perfectly named by my amazing wife Amy. With such a positive response to this image (on Instagram) and too long between giveaways I couldn't think of a better print to yarn about and give away. So, read on AND MAKE SURE you're in to win an A3 copy by following the simple instructions at the end of the blog post.
It was a funny kind of a day with no signs of a spectacular sunrise on the cards so I prepped my water housing and wetsuit to do some filming for my 'Minute of calm,' videos. [If you don't follow me on Instagram hit this link and all 81 (and counting) videos are there]
Fast forward a few minutes and I quickly realised an unbelievably spectacular sunrise was was being dealt before my eyes - the only issue was the fact you can't switch from video to photo's in my housing set-up which is sooooo annoying!!!
Anyway, I quickly filmed a couple scenes (video below) for my daily vid and sprinted back to the house to dry me and my housing; tip toe through said house; unlock (by un-screwing 6 screws) my housing, switch from video to stills; re-screw the housing plate on; and rush back over to the beach, praying the light was just as beautiful as when I left.
Highly agitated and heavily puffed I got back to the beach and noticed the original colours (deeper blues and reds) had faded, but, I continued sprinting into the ocean like I was Mitch Buchannon from Baywatch.
Feeling a bit deflated about the change in light, it wasn't until I started shooting some waves and playing them back in camera that I realised the much softer & lighter pastel hues were a far prettier scene.
Like a lot of moments like this, it didn't take long for the sun to climb a little higher in the sky and completely blow out the dreamy conditions. Just before this, however, a little set came through and with it this particular wave so I fired off about a dozen shots and as they say, the rest is history.

'BLUSH' in-situ
As always, I appreciate you stopping by and reading the blog! To show my appreciation I've decided to give away 2 A3 prints this month - one for my social media followers and one for my email subscribers.
So that there's no confusion, if you want to enter here then simply leave a comment below with your name and email address and I'll notify the winner before the end of the week. If you follow me on Instagram then follow the conditions set out over there. Easy.
Until next time...
Ma te wa